STARS and Daylighting in Campbell Hall
As a team, we set out to accomplish two goals: update the The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS) report for Campbell Hall and perform a lighting audit in the studio areas of Campbell Hall with the hopes of implementing a daylighting system.
lighting audit, Campbell Hall, Charlottesville, Sustainability Tracking Assessment & Rating System, STARS report, daylighting

STARS and Daylighting in Campbell Hall

STARS and Daylighting in Campbell Hall (click PDF)

Spring 2013

Team members: Emily Blanton, Michael Crawley, Brittany Hungate, Tim Metzger, Morgan Stackman, and Brett Thompson

As a team, we set out to accomplish two goals: update the The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS) report for Campbell Hall and perform a lighting audit in the studio areas of Campbell Hall with the hopes of implementing a daylighting system. STARS is a uniform method for determining and reporting the sustainability of universities and institutions of higher learning. Global Sustainability Workshop groups from the past few years have compiled full STARS reports to evaluate Campbell Hall’s sustainability performance. However, in the summer of 2012, Delta Force implemented new lighting changes that will positively affect the University’s score, and therefore we sought to update the report to reflect these important updates in lighting. As aforementioned, in addition to working on an updated STARS report, we wanted to assess what changes could be made to directly impact the sustainability of Campbell Hall through a lighting audit. A daylighting system seemed a valuable yet feasible option to pursue, and if implemented, could have drastic positive effects on the energy usage in Campbell Hall. A daylighting system would monitor ambient light levels in the studio areas on the third and fourth floors, and turn lights off or on in order to achieve an ideal level of usable light. Currently, all light zones are always on, but we hypothesized that during times of high levels of natural light, the studio space receives enough natural light through the windows and skylights to make the current LED lights superfluous. The bulk of our project focused on collection of thorough measurements of light levels throughout the studio areas at various times throughout the day, with and without lights, and with varying weather conditions. These measurements provide provide baseline light levels that will be compiled into a feasibility report and presented to Delta Force, with the goal of installing an effective daylighting system in Campbell Hall.
