Norris Dorm Recycling
Our project worked to improve the recycling done in on-grounds housing. Specifically, we sought to increase awareness of what and how to recycle on-grounds, as well as why recycling is important. Through education we hoped to improve our singular target group’s recycling habits, and determine the most successful approach so that future groups may continue our project with other on-grounds housing. We decided to focus on a singular floor of Norris in Hereford dorms in order to work more closely with the residents and RA.
Norris Dorm Recycling, Norris Dormitory, recycling, sustainability, University of Virginia, raising awareness, waste audit, survey habits, Gregory Gallop II, Erin Tait, Jennifer White, fall 2010

Norris Dorm Recycling

NorrisDormRecycling (click PDF)

Fall 2010

Team members: Gregory Gallop II, Erin Tait, Jennifer White

Our project worked to improve the recycling done in on-grounds housing. Specifically, we sought to increase awareness of what and how to recycle on-grounds, as well as why recycling is important. Through education we hoped to improve our singular target group’s recycling habits, and determine the most successful approach so that future groups may continue our project with other on-grounds housing. We decided to focus on a singular floor of Norris in Hereford dorms in order to work more closely with the residents and RA.